



Specialties: PICKPOCKET

No: 145 Last Displayed: 6/6/2022


Forty-two years old in 1886. Born in New York. Married. No trade. Stout build. Height, 5 feet 4 1/2 inches. Weight, 170 pounds. Dark brown hair, gray eyes. florid complexion. Whiskers, when worn, are light brown.


"JERSEY JIMMIE" is one of the luckiest thieves in America. He is known from Maine to California. and has had the good fortune to escape State prison many a time. He works with Joe Gorman (146), Boston (144), Curly Charley, Big Dick (141), and nearly all the Bowery "mob" of New York, where he makes his home. He was arrested in New York City, and sentenced to six months in the penitentiary on Blackwell's Island, under the name of James Johnson, on April 22, 1869, for an attempt to pick pockets. He was sentenced again to one year in the penitentiary on Blackwell's Island, on February 7,1878, for picking pockets, and pardoned by Governor Robinson on May 8, 878.Since then he has been arrested in almost every city in the Union, but his usual good luck stands to him, and he succeeds in obtaining his discharge. Johnson's picture is an excellent one, taken in August, 1885.

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