No: 120 Last Displayed: 11/25/2019
Fifty years old in 1886. Born in Ireland. Single. Height, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches. Weight, 240 pounds. Very fleshy, coarse woman. Black hair, black eyes, ruddy complexion. Talks with somewhat of an Irish brogue.
Record:MARY ANN CONNELLY is a well known New York pickpocket, shoplifter and prostitute, and a coarse, vulgar woman, that would stop at nothing to carry her point. She was arrested in New York City, and sentenced to six months in the penitentiary, on January 12, 1875, for shoplifting in New York City. She was arrested again in New York City, for picking pockets, and sentenced to one year in State prison, by judge Sutherland, on December 11, 1875. Arrested again in New York, for picking a woman's pocket, and sentenced to six months on Blackwell's Island, on April 1, 1878, by Judge Gildersleeve. She was arrested again in New York City, in company of Joseph Volkmer and his wife Mary on November 27, 1879, for drugging and attempting to rob one Charles Blair, a countryman, whom the trio met on a Boston boat. She turned State's evidence, and was used against the Volkmers, who were tried, found guilty, and sentenced to twelve years each in State prison, on December 15, 1879, by Judge Cowing, in the Court of General Sessions. She was discharged in this case. Her picture is an excellent one, taken in 1875.