Specialties: PICKPOCKET
No: 129 Last Displayed: 3/4/2025
Fifty years old in 1886. Born in Ireland. Seamstress. Married. Stout build. Height, 5 feet 3 1/2 inches. Weight, 150 pounds. Dark brown hair, light hazel eyes, dark complexion.
Record:KATE RYAN is an old New York pickpocket and shoplifter. She works parades and stores, and is known in Philadelphia and New York, and some of the Western cities. She was arrested in New York City on St. Patrick's day, March 17, 1876, charged with picking pockets during the parade. She was convicted and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary on March 28, 1876, by Recorder Hackett, in the Court of General Sessions. Kate has served time in State prison and in the penitentiary since the above. Her picture is a good one, taken in March, 1876.